Madrid dairy farmer & state farm bureau prez applauds Stefanik’s agriculture bill

Posted 3/14/21

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is an original cosponsor of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, bipartisan legislation that would provide reform to the agricultural guest worker program and establish …

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Madrid dairy farmer & state farm bureau prez applauds Stefanik’s agriculture bill


Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is an original cosponsor of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, bipartisan legislation that would provide reform to the agricultural guest worker program and establish a merit-based visa program specifically designed for the agricultural sector.

A Madrid dairy farmer who is also president of the state farm bureau says he supports the measure.

“New York Farm Bureau has long made immigration reform a priority, believing in a commonsense approach to improve labor issues for our farms and employees. We appreciate Congresswoman Stefanik’s efforts to address this very important issue and her support for the bi-partisan legislative process. We are advocating for a pathway forward to fix the system that will benefit agriculture and our country's food system,” said David Fisher, president of New York Farm Bureau, who owns and operates a farm in Madrid.

“North Country farmers have long advocated for a stable, reliable workforce to address their labor needs, and I have supported reforms to our broken H-2A system since my first term in Congress. I am proud to cosponsor this bipartisan bill once again – we need legislation that modernizes our agriculture labor program and provides clarity for our agricultural workforce.” said Congresswoman Stefanik.

According to Stefanik’s office, the bill would:

• Establish a mandatory, nationwide E-Verify system for all agricultural employment with a structured phase-in and guaranteed due process for authorized workers

• Reform the H-2A program to provide more flexibility for farmers and agricultural employers, while ensuring critical protections for workers.

• Provide access to the H-2A program for industries with year-round labor needs, including dairy

• Establish a program for agricultural workers in the United States to earn legal status through continued agricultural employment and a dedicated contribution to the agricultural economy

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