Opinion: Reject the lie, refuse to die, we will not comply, says Norwood resident

Posted 3/17/21

To the Editor: It is extraordinary how quickly brain-washing propaganda has transformed us into crazed, hysterical hypochondriacs. A so-called “deadly virus pandemic”, which somehow has not …

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Opinion: Reject the lie, refuse to die, we will not comply, says Norwood resident


To the Editor:

It is extraordinary how quickly brain-washing propaganda has transformed us into crazed, hysterical hypochondriacs. A so-called “deadly virus pandemic”, which somehow has not managed to increase the number of deaths from the previous year, but amazingly did cause deaths from the flu and pneumonia to plummet, has made us willing to submit to self-inflicted misery and loss of freedom.

God, our creator has been banished, and we have been “freed“ to create our own world, totally unencumbered by truth or reality. We can now choose our sex, our marriage partner, and kill our own children in the womb. What glorious freedom!

Meanwhile the state, a not so benevolent step-father has taken over, proclaiming in the words of its prophet, Dr.Fauci : “Now is the time to do what you’re told”, and instantly the whole world scrambled to obey every tyrannical, draconian, inconsistent mandate. So how is it that the most masked up, locked down states, New York and California, have the worst outcomes?

If you feel safe and virtuous wearing a mask and staying away from your friends and neighbors, then just carry on, but please don’t force your feelings on those of us who think that breathing all day through pathogen-laden face coverings is as effective at blocking viruses as a chain link fence is at keeping mosquitoes out . Meanwhile, our children, confused and traumatized in body, mind and spirit, are sinking into suicidal despair.

So you want to be safe? Safe from what? I can absolutely guarantee that you will not die from a car accident if you never get in a car, or from drowning if you never go near water, or even from food poisoning if you just stop eating! That’s ridiculous, you say? Really? Then why have we agreed to shut down all normal life, supposedly to maybe slow down a virus that has a 99.95% recovery rate? We are cooperating in our own destruction, being starved to death by big government, big tech and big business. They keep getting fatter on daily feasts, occasionally throwing us some crumbs to ease our pain! Are we really willing to sacrifice ourselves and our children on the altar of Covid?

Without freedom of thought and speech, we can be herded like dumb sheep to the slaughter. But there are many of us. We can choose to die a slow, miserable death, or to stand up, shake off our paralyzing fear, get together and save our children, take back and open our churches, our schools, our businesses, our communities, and yes, our country , and with one voice shout out: We reject the lie! We refuse to die! We will not comply!

Kinga Snell
