Massena junior high principal transitioning to assistant position, search ongoing for principal

Posted 6/14/24

MASSENA -- J.W. Leary Junior High School principal Kendra Quinlan is leaving her current position, however she will remain with the district as an assistant principal beginning July 1.

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Massena junior high principal transitioning to assistant position, search ongoing for principal


MASSENA -- J.W. Leary Junior High School principal Kendra Quinlan is leaving her current position, however she will remain with the district as an assistant principal beginning July 1.

The news came during a special meeting Tuesday night.

Quinlan told board members she hoped to spend more time with family and requested the change to assistant principal, a move that will see her in the role until August 4, 2026, officials say.  

During a previous school board meeting, board members approved reclassifying the former dean of students position as an assistant principal position.

The transition of the position comes after the June 24 retirement of Richard Norris, who is currently the dean of students.

Quinlan was first appointed as principal in Aug. 2022 to replace Amanda Zullo.

Zullo was moving on to become the high school principal at Tupper Lake Central School.

Prior to her appointment as principal, Quinlan served as a high school counselor at Heuvelton for the previous four years.

School officials say that applications to fill the principal position are due June 14, however few candidates are available.

In an effort to fill the role, Burke said he has begun reaching out to retirees to fill the void for the coming school year to ensure a smooth and stable transition while the district attempts to find a permanent replacement.