Evelyn Houmiel Seguin, 96, Ogdensburg


OGDENSBURG - Evelyn Mary Houmiel Seguin, 06.28.28 - 09.10.24. My mother, Evelyn, was born as the surprise 3rd child of Fredrick DuHamel and Josephine LeTarte in the St. Lawrence border town of Ogdensburg, NY. Her parents were immigrants from Quebec who had their name changed to Houmiel by the Catholic church in order to be more acceptable.

Father Fred was a master woodworker who during WW2 built wooden spy planes for the government and after the war went on to build many of the beautiful mahogany open inboards that cruised the St. Lawrence River and Thousand Islands. He built one named appropriately “Evelyn” that my mother raced single handed against the river neighbors when she was only 12 years old. She won the race and that competitive spirit carried on through her life.

Josephine worked raising two older sons Amos and Hubert who were in their teens when my mother was born. Josephine passed way when Evelyn was 16. An unfortunate happening for a child of that age but Josephine had six sisters and a brother that lived directly across the street in a small house. The aunts became lifelong surrogates and friends of my mother and future family. And they all played poker.

In 1946 Evelyn graduated from Ogdensburg Free Academy and in those times most women had the choice of becoming a secretary, a teacher, a nurse or a nun. Thankfully for me she did not become a nun.

She entered a local nursing school. By the time she graduated, the boys were coming home from the war. She and Tom Seguin, just returned from the Pacific theater were married in 1949. On her 22nd birthday she gave birth to myself, the only offspring of their marriage.

Evelyn and Tom were a gregarious couple. My father started a contracting business and my mother did her best to teach me how to get by in life. Their lives were filled with great friends and a full community. Along with being the best mother a son could ask for, Evelyn became an expert cook, baker and hostess. She learned to play bridge and was a competitive player in her friends group.

Tom passed away at an early age leaving a void in her life. So in 1996 she moved to Cotuit to be closer to family and especially grandsons Chris and Andrew and daughter-in-law Jo LeClair Seguin. A new normal developed over time filled with new friends.

Her closest friends were niece Bette Ziner and Barb LeClair who she developed a deep friendship with over the last 28 years. My mother shared Sunday breakfasts, family meals, boat launchings, harbor tours and all the family ups and downs that took place. My current wife, Kendra Smith, and I shared hundreds of games of scrabble with Evelyn over the last 15 years.

Most of all my mother was a quiet, private and humble person who took a son through a turbulent childhood and always treated others with respect. We all only exist in the memory of others but in my memory she will be sorely missed.

To her wishes a private family gathering will be held in the fall.