Who is it telling lies?

Posted 10/11/24

To the Editor:

I noted with some amusement a political ad by a Democrat accusing Elise Stefanik of telling lies, beginning with This Week’s July 5-11 issue and continuing for the last …

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Who is it telling lies?


To the Editor:

I noted with some amusement a political ad by a Democrat accusing Elise Stefanik of telling lies, beginning with This Week’s July 5-11 issue and continuing for the last several weeks. It is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

We can all look to our Democratic president as the biggest liar of all. His record includes claims that he inherited the worst economic crisis since the Depression, when the truth was that the economy had already rebounded from COVID lows. He has claimed until recently, that the border was secure, despite nearly 12 million illegal aliens flooding the country. Inflation at first was “transitory” and then ignored as consumers grappled with price increase from 20-50%.

All of that was followed by Kamala Harris denying her role in both the border crisis and the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle. She flip-flops on the issues dear to the American voter. Then she chose a running mate who inflated his role in the National Guard, and let Minneapolis burn.

Their party claims to be pro-Democracy, yet the opposite is true. Citizens’ rights are trampled - witness the persecution of Jews with no one held accountable. The other side of that coin is the Hamas protesters occupy and destroy at will. There, the few arrests made led to immediate release, and no prosecution. Witness the persecution of political opponents (Lawfare) using “Creative” law, so twisted from the law’s original intent that it is certain to be overturned. Trump and his supporters have been lawfare targets for three and a half years, but most intensely since Trump announced his candidacy. The list of lies from the Democratic party and their captive media is so long, we don’t have room for it here.

One the Democrats’ favorite ploys to turn voters away from their competition is to make outrageous claims that are patently untrue. The theory is the bigger the claim, the less likely anyone will challenge it. As with President Biden and Vice President Harris, they claim Trump lies, but never tell us what the lie is.

Paula Collins says Stefanik lies. OK. Give us the specifics. Where and how did she lie? We ask all citizens to demand answers to these unfounded claims. If Democrats can’t provide specifics, they are the ones lying.

Hank Ford, chairman,
St. Lawrence County Conservative Party