Summer reading program to kick off in Madrid

Posted 6/27/24

MADRID — The Summer Reading Program at Hepburn Library of Madrid will kick-off July 4 with the Town parade.

The theme this year is ‘Serengeti Safari.’

The Reading …

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Summer reading program to kick off in Madrid


MADRID — The Summer Reading Program at Hepburn Library of Madrid will kick-off July 4 with the Town parade.

The theme this year is ‘Serengeti Safari.’

The Reading Challenge begins July 5 and runs through August 15.

A special ‘Ask the Author’ event will be held at the library July 10 at 6:30 p.m. with Massachusetts author Michael Miller (High Bridge).

‘Edible Culinary Experiments’ will be offered every Monday  at 5:30 p.m. during the Summer Reading Program. All are welcome, especially kids.

‘So Crafty’ special crafts to make and take home for all ages are available every Wednesday at 5:30 pm.

‘Story Time and Craft’ will be offered every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. with Mrs. Paige.

Pick up a scavenger hunt/adventure bingo card every Friday.  

The ‘End of Summer Reading Program’ noontime party with Kids on the Block puppets, hotdogs and ice cream will be held August 16.