Potsdam town board deals with appointments, SEQR for Unionville, selling off unused equipment and contracting for audit

Posted 8/25/24

POTSDAM — The town board approved several resolutions at its meeting Aug. 13, including selling off some unused equipment, agreeing to serve as a lead agency for a project at Unionville Park, …

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Potsdam town board deals with appointments, SEQR for Unionville, selling off unused equipment and contracting for audit


POTSDAM — The town board approved several resolutions at its meeting Aug. 13, including selling off some unused equipment, agreeing to serve as a lead agency for a project at Unionville Park, requesting bids for accounting services for the annual audit and passing several appointments.

Unionville Park

The town is conducting an environmental review for a project to enhance Unionville Park.

Supervisor Marty Miller and town board members voted unanimously at their meeting Aug. 13 to declare the town as the lead agency for the review.

The resolution states that town officials will sign off on part 1 of the state environmental quality review act (SEQRA) form and will send letters to all involved state agencies to formalize their lead agency status.

Unused equipment

The town board passed resolutions agreeing to sell off its 10-foot triple bay sink in its commercial kitchen at the town offices.

The resolution passed by the board authorized Town Clerk Cindy Goliber to advertise for bids for the sink on Auctions International.

A 2007 Cummings engine was also declared unneeded and authorized by the board to be sold on the site.

Personnel shifts, and appointments

The board approved the appointment of Michael Keleher by Highway Superintendent John Keleher to the position of laborer with the highway department. The salary and benefits for the position will follow the Teamsters Local 687 Highway Contract.

The appointment of Jay Bradish to the position of medium equipment operator by the highway superintendent was also approved by the board. His salary and benefit will also match the union contract.

The board also accepted the retirement of Jeffrey Mason from the highway department effective Aug. 28.

Annual audit

Finally the board authorized Town Supervisor Marty Miller to advertise to receive requests for proposals from accounting firms to conduct the town’s annual audit.

The resolution also authorizes Miller to then submit the completed audit for 2024 to the state Comptroller for 2024.

Proposals must be filed with the clerk’s office by 4 p.m. on Sept. 9 to be considered.