Colton-Pierrepont student completes 'My Body, My Bag' service project to help teenage girls in foster care

Posted 8/25/22

COLTON -- For the third year in a row, Ashley McKinley, a junior at Colton-Pierrepont Central School, has chosen to help children in foster care in St. Lawrence County. This summer her focus was on …

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Colton-Pierrepont student completes 'My Body, My Bag' service project to help teenage girls in foster care


COLTON -- For the third year in a row, Ashley McKinley, a junior at Colton-Pierrepont Central School, has chosen to help children in foster care in St. Lawrence County. This summer her focus was on teenage girls.

Under the sewing instruction and guidance of her aunt, Sue Dean, they designed and sewed 33 bags for her “My Body, My Bag” service project.

The bags were filled with self-care items, such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, hair bands, towels, and hygiene products.

“I would like every teenage girl in foster care to feel she has the same products that you and I would be able to buy to feel clean and ready to face the day,” McKinley said

She asked neighbors, teachers, and family members to each sponsor a teenage girl in order to shop locally to buy the products. Each bag also has a note from Ashley encouraging the girls to have a good year and to celebrate body positivity.

Last year Ashley made 50 Teddy bears for donation, and the year prior she made 100 "hope cards" for children in foster care.