Stefanik tells Gov. Hochul to end statewide school mask mandate

Posted 2/10/22

Despite the end of the statewide indoor mask mandate, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is now demanding that Governor Kathy Hochul put an immediate end to her Administration's statewide mask mandate in …

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Stefanik tells Gov. Hochul to end statewide school mask mandate


Despite the end of the statewide indoor mask mandate, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is now demanding that Governor Kathy Hochul put an immediate end to her Administration's statewide mask mandate in schools.

"In light of the announcements by the Governors of New Jersey, Connecticut, and Delaware, we write...to urge you to immediately rescind the onerous and unconstitutional mask mandate in New York State’s schools. We have heard from countless families throughout our districts expressing their concerns with the mandate, and how it has negatively impacted their child’s experience in the classroom. The time is now to put an end to this unlawful mandate and to allow our children to get back to being just that, children," the lawmakers wrote.

This letter comes as several neighboring states announced an end to their respective mandates, but Governor Hochul still refused to end New York’s mask mandate on schools.

"After years of abiding by public health safety guidelines, children are itching to be able to return to some semblance of normalcy. Knowing that the risk of transmission among children is extremely low, it is counter-intuitive to keep this ill-conceived mandate that does little to improve the wellness and safety of our state’s children. For these reasons, we urge you to end these punitive measures for once and for all,” they continued.