Opinion: Vote in person to assure fair election, says Hammond man

Posted 9/1/20

To the Editor: “The most important election of our lifetimes...” Yes, it’s a cliche but perhaps it’s more true now than ever before. The future of our republic lies in the balance this …

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Opinion: Vote in person to assure fair election, says Hammond man


To the Editor:

“The most important election of our lifetimes...” Yes, it’s a cliche but perhaps it’s more true now than ever before. The future of our republic lies in the balance this November.

The “virtual” convention of the Democrat party in Milwaukee has Joe Biden “live” from his basement in Delaware and Kamala Harris, the newly minted “pragmatic moderate”, trying to convince us she is not one of the most liberal members of the Senate.

And the lame stream media will continue to favor the Left in nearly all of their reporting thus forcing conservatives to find alternative sources to get any fair coverage of the Trump/Pence campaign while “Clueless Joe” and “The Khamaleon” get only rave reviews despite their stated intentions to turn our nation down the socialist path.

That means higher taxes to pay for all the new social programs, entitlements, and a loss of our freedoms starting with the 1st and 2nd amendments. This most important election requires fair and honest balloting.

On August 15th it was announced on National Public Radio that the Postal Workers Union has endorsed the Biden/Harris ticket, yet we are supposed to believe that mass mail-in voting will be fair and without any fraudulent ballots being cast, and without legitimate ballots from Republican strongholds mysteriously disappearing, thus going uncounted.

It is a clear conflict of interest that the union representing the Postal Workers charged with delivering all those ballots has already picked their winner.

My advice to all voters is: if you want your vote to count prepare to vote in person on November 3rd to assure a fair election without the shenanigans the Democrats are counting on to deny a second term to their avowed enemy that they refer to as “orange man bad”, but many of us call President Donald J. Trump. Vote once, vote in-person, vote right.

David H. Ellis
