Opinion: Check out new stained glass window at Norwood church

Posted 7/14/23

To the Editor: On April 4, 1906, a brand new stained glass window was installed in the chancel of St. Philip’s Church in Norwood. Like the beautiful rose window at the western end of the sanctuary, …

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Opinion: Check out new stained glass window at Norwood church


To the Editor:

On April 4, 1906, a brand new stained glass window was installed in the chancel of St. Philip’s Church in Norwood. Like the beautiful rose window at the western end of the sanctuary, this new window was designed and created by Harry J. Horwood, Worker of Art Glass, in Ogdensburg, NY. The new window was a reproduction of the 19th century painting by German artist Bernard Plockhorst, of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. The installation of the window was made possible by generous donations from many members of the parish. The total cost of the window, frame and installation was $581.50.

Since that day several generations of people at St. Philip’s have enjoyed the beauty of our Good Shepherd window: the artistry and skilled craftsmanship, the enduring richness of the colors, and the comforting image of the Good Shepherd, tenderly guiding his sheep. But in recent years it had become clear that the window was badly in need of repair and restoration, a task far more costly than the original installation.

This year we were extremely grateful, therefore, to be awarded a very generous grant from the Rock Charitable Fund through the Northern New York Community Foundation. This grant enabled us to finally accomplish this very important maintenance of our window. The work is being done with meticulous care, under the direction of Ed Dehors, of the Historical Restorations Foundation. In April the window was taken from its frame, section by section, to be taken apart, piece by piece, for cleaning and any necessary repair, and finally to be reassembled and returned to its frame. We expect the window to be back home above our altar some time in August.

The people of St. Philip’s would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Rock Charitable Fund, established by Marjorie Rock, a long-time member of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ogdensburg, for the purpose of preserving the beautiful and historic buildings, churches, and cemeteries in our area. Our thanks, too, to the Northern New York Community Foundation. Without such generous provisions, much of great value and beauty might be lost forever in the historic buildings of our communities.

We would like to invite all of our neighbors to stop by sometime and see our newly-restored window.

The Rev. Kathryn Boswell
Rector, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church