Woodswalk planned in South Colton on July 13

Posted 6/15/24

SOUTH COLTON -- The NY Forest Owners Association Northern Adirondack Chapter announces an upcoming woodswalk in St. Lawrence County at the 660-acre “Rocky Top” property owned by Spencer …

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Woodswalk planned in South Colton on July 13


SOUTH COLTON -- The NY Forest Owners Association Northern Adirondack Chapter announces an upcoming woodswalk in St. Lawrence County at the 660-acre “Rocky Top” property owned by Spencer Thew on Saturday July 13.

Members and non-members are welcome. The event will commence at 10 a.m. with a break at noon for a bring-your-own brown bag lunch. The tour will conclude at about 3pm.

The “Rocky Top” property is located at 3019 SH 56.

Thew, owner of Call of the Wild Sled Dog Tours, purchased this property in 1991 after it was very heavily cut by the previous owner.

This outing will allow participants to view regeneration on a 40-year-old harvest site that is now stocked with very nice poles and young saw timber.

Thew will also show a naturally seeded Christmas Tree plantation and share his future ideas for that aspect of his forest.

At one time the property housed a commercial sawmill.

The buildings have been re-purposed to support a grade-stake business and other products which are marketed in the northeast.

Finally, Spencer can offer insight into managing a vacation destination for sled-dog mushers and enthusiasts.

He has utilized the many miles of his own and neighboring forest lands to train his sled dogs for distance racing, including the Iditarod sled-dog race.

Pack lunch, bring a friend, and enjoy a day afield, rain or shine. Snacks and water will be provided.

The group will traverse miles of woods roads or improved gravel roads by utilizing ATV’s and UTV’s.

Let organizers know if you will bring a machine and how many it seats.

A few machines are available for participants; however, space is limited.  

Pre-register by July 8 and become eligible to win one of several door prizes.

Register and or questions by text message with Scott Bonno at 315-854-7788 or email glenmeal@yahoo.com.