Fire destroys Parishville home

Posted 6/18/24

PARISHVILLE – A fire damaged a home on State Highway 72 June 15, according to Potsdam fire officials. 

Potsdam Fire Driver Mark Maroney said Parishville Fire, Parishville Rescue, …

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Fire destroys Parishville home


PARISHVILLE – A fire damaged a home on State Highway 72 June 15, according to Potsdam fire officials. 

A Gofundme page has been created to help the family, which can be found here.

Potsdam Fire Driver Mark Maroney said Parishville Fire, Parishville Rescue, County Car 36 responded to a blaze at 960 SH 72 around 12:41 a.m. and requested assistance from Potsdam Fire not long after. 

Colton Fire was also requested to the scene with a tanker and Hopkinton-Fort Jackson was requested to Parishville Station to fill tankers. 

The house was mostly consumed by fire; so firefighters began to set up a defensive fire attack, Maroney said in an online statement. 

“Engine 80 set up a water supply by dropping porta tanks to supply Parishville's ETA-45 with water,” Maroney said. 

He said firefighters on scene performed exterior scene work as the stairs and floors were burnt through inside the structure. 

 Firefighters ventilated the structure and removed the ridge cap of the roof. Maroney said Tower 5's master stream was utilized to extinguish any hot spots that remained inside of the structure. 

West Stockholm Fire and Hopkinton- Fort Jackson were also on scene with manpower.

Maroney said the cause of the fire is under investigation by St. Lawrence County Fire Investigation Team and New York State Fire. 

Potsdam Fire was in service at 10:13 a.m.