Canton officials not pleased with process of methadone clinic opening on Route 310

Posted 2/22/22

BY PAUL MITCHELL North Country This Week CANTON – Although not pleased with the process and citing discrimination issues, village officials have accepted the fact that a methadone clinic will be …

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Canton officials not pleased with process of methadone clinic opening on Route 310


North Country This Week

CANTON – Although not pleased with the process and citing discrimination issues, village officials have accepted the fact that a methadone clinic will be opening in the near future in the Human Services Building, Route 310, Canton.

“The American Disabilities Act applies to zoning in local government and people with drug addiction are entitled to treatment,” said Mayor Michael Dalton at Wednesday night’s (Feb. 16) monthly board meeting.

Dalton noted that current zoning at the county-owned Rt. 310 property allows for medical offices and clinics.

“In my opinion to say it can’t be allowed would be discriminatory,” he said.

Dalton, Police Chief James Santimaw and Trustee Beth Larrabee recently attended a presentation by the county on the proposed methadone clinic.

“They [the county] were very apologetic. At one point the clinic would be in Massena. It makes sense to combine it with the proximity of the county jail,” said Larrabee. “The process was just not well done.”

Trustee Anna Sorensen agreed.

“My issue with the whole situation was that neither us or the police and fire chief were brought into the conversation,” Sorensen said. “The process was super problematic but on the other hand I don’t want to be too quick to be concerned in a negative way in providing health care and mental health care to people who need it.”

The mayor said the program will require recovering addicts to travel to the clinic six days a week for their methadone treatment. He said the clients do not leave the building with medications.

“The people being evaluated are witnessed taking their medications,” he said. “They [the county] know we will be paying attention and let them know if problems arise.”

At a recent meeting of the county’s Services Committee, a resolution to modify the county’s 2022 budget for Community Services for renovations to the Human Services Building for the methadone clinic was tabled.

Renovations cited in the resolution include removing and replacing existing flooring at a cost of $114,846, reconfigure the inner-office area at a cost of $44,022, and install new cubicles for $36,686. The total cost of the renovations is $173,206.