Canton officials agree to pay their share of $116K toward new resurfacing machine for pavilion

Posted 3/7/22

BY PAUL MITCHELL North Country This Week CANTON – The purchase of a new resurfacing machine for the Canton Pavilion is halfway there after village trustees agreed at a special meeting Monday …

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Canton officials agree to pay their share of $116K toward new resurfacing machine for pavilion


North Country This Week

CANTON – The purchase of a new resurfacing machine for the Canton Pavilion is halfway there after village trustees agreed at a special meeting Monday morning to pay for half of the $116,925 piece of equipment.

Acting on a recommendation from the joint Recreation Committee, the new resurfacing machine will be a propane-fueled Olympia brand.

Canton Recreation Director Meghan Richardson noted the pavilion’s current resurfacer is an Olympia that is nearly 40 years old.

“Number one it is the same model we have and it proves that it lasts,” said Richardson. “And it’s the cheapest price. I am pretty excited about it.”

It was also pointed out that maintenance of the propane machine can be handled by the village’s department of Public Works crew while an electric-powered model will require a specialist from the New Jersey area for repairs and general maintenance.

The motion passed unanimously but with reservations from board members.

“At this time it’s the right choice. But a caveat is I’m disappointed about not making a better environmental choice,” said Trustee Carol Pynchon, alluding to purchasing an electric-powered resurfacing machine.

Trustee Beth Larrabee shared the disappointment but said new technology within the new Olympia machine will reduce emissions at the pavilion.

The purchase agreement calls for a 20 percent down payment which Richardson broke down to be $11,696.50 for the village. The balance will be due at the time of delivery which is expected to take 12 to 14 months after placing the order.

The Canton Town Board is expected to discuss, and possibly take action on the ice resurfacing machine and their one half commitment, at its monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 9.