Opinion: Truth is bitter pill to swallow, says Massena woman

Posted 6/15/20

There’s a reason why America has reached its boiling point. It lies squarely on the shoulders of very white, very male, very rich power brokers who have their knee on the neck of every black …

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Opinion: Truth is bitter pill to swallow, says Massena woman


There’s a reason why America has reached its boiling point. It lies squarely on the shoulders of very white, very male, very rich power brokers who have their knee on the neck of every black person, immigrant, ethnic group and struggling worker in this country.

It lies squarely on the shoulders of Americans who have allowed a wealthy group of Republicans to perpetuate hate.

President Obama’s election gave hope to those whose voices had been silenced for so long. The world even recognized that maybe racist America had turned a corner; awarding Obama a Nobel Peace Prize. But white supremacist America didn’t intend to give up any of its domineering control.

Talk radio and TV hosts took aim at President Obama, spreading conspiracy theories, racial slurs and lies. He endured the “birther” controversy. The Republican Senate blocked legislative change. Police brutality increased. Voting booths in black districts disappeared. And the world watched white people tear down a man who wanted to bring unity and dignity to all Americans.

No one was going to admit that it bothered them that a black man was in the White House. They defended their dislike by repeating the criticisms they’d heard. It wasn’t necessary to fact-check any of it, since the information conveniently justified their already negative opinion. No one was going to admit that they didn’t like those who were different.

All they had to do was elect Trump who would say it out loud for them and cheer the “Make America White-Washed Again” movement which brought us to this point.

Criticizing the George Floyd protestors for turning violent makes it easy to judge and ignore the pain and frustration of every person in this country who has been unfairly targeted with hatred for not being white or just like you.

Suppressed Americans deserve a voice and you are hearing it now. Will you listen or just keep villainizing the victims?

Martha Hodges
