Opinion: 'Wonderful Life' if people would shift their values, says Massena woman

Posted 12/29/21

To the Editor: Every holiday season, while watching the timeless movie classic “It’s A Wonderful Life”, many of us yearn for old-fashioned, close-knit communities like “Bedford Falls” where …

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Opinion: 'Wonderful Life' if people would shift their values, says Massena woman


To the Editor:

Every holiday season, while watching the timeless movie classic “It’s A Wonderful Life”, many of us yearn for old-fashioned, close-knit communities like “Bedford Falls” where people are valued more than money. But a “free enterprise” agenda servicing corporate greed makes that difficult.

Little known fact: McCarthyism accused that movie of “communism” based on the fear of the working man rising up and taking money away from the rich. Republicans were incensed that Mr. Potter’s rental monopoly was being undermined by George Bailey giving working families loans to buy houses. Yet, helping others to gain a better life used to be what made America great.

The Eisenhower ideal was to grow the middle class so that more people could own homes, while comfortably supporting a family. The Reagan administration ushered in the present full-blown “capitalism as king” ideal of protecting the ultra-wealthy with capital gains and income tax cuts, less government oversight and favorable legislation. Far from the promise of money trickling down, it’s only resulted in a shrinking middle class and more families than ever living in poverty. (2021 wealth gap stands at 10% of the population owning 69.8% of US net worth.)

Whereas once society reviled greedy, mean, capitalistic people like Mr. Potter or Scrooge, now we worship and elect them President for their wealth and power. Whereas once we admired kind, selfless people like George Bailey, willing to think of others before themselves, now personal gain and rights are considered more important.

But I think it could be “a wonderful life” again if people shifted their values. They could elect politicians who demonstrate compassion, instead of politicians who prioritize concern for the ultra-rich (while pretending that it’s helping the other 90%). They could choose to value generosity and brotherly love over self-centered individualism. Otherwise, America turns into “Pottersville” where people only care about themselves and what’s in it for them.

Martha Hodges