Opinion: COVID has not stripped any rights, freedoms away, says Norwood resident

Posted 3/24/21

To the Editor: In response to “ Reject the Lie, Refuse to Die, We Will Not Comply ”, which appeared in the March 19-25 issue of North Country This Week: I was appalled and quite frankly disgusted …

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Opinion: COVID has not stripped any rights, freedoms away, says Norwood resident


To the Editor:

In response to “Reject the Lie, Refuse to Die, We Will Not Comply”, which appeared in the March 19-25 issue of North Country This Week: I was appalled and quite frankly disgusted by the letter.

I do believe in free speech but that does not give anyone the right to spread misinformation to others. You have the right to your opinion but not at the cost of forcing mistruths on to others. You claim that you should not be forced to feel what others feel yet you are doing the same thing to those of us who believe what science and doctors are saying.

Explain to the mothers, dads and children of the over 500,000 people who have died of Covid why you feel it is a “so-called” deadly virus pandemic. Maybe you can explain better why their loved ones are no longer with them.

In reply to your comment about New York and California having the worst outcome. I believe if you look on the map, you will see why California and New York had such a hard time controlling the pandemic. We are both gateway states from other countries. It didn’t slow down until they stopped people flying in from all over the world.

I don’t wear a mask to protect myself. I wear it to protect others. I did get both shots and feel much more comfortable about being around others. What you choose to do is up to you. I am not trying to force my beliefs on anyone who does not want to get the vaccine.

However, I will listen to the experts as they certainly have much more knowledge than I do when it comes to this virus. We lost a family friend two nights ago to Covid. She was thirty five.

It sounds like the person who wrote the article is “anti” everything when it comes to living in the US. No one has lost their freedom or their rights. I am also glad that no one in your commune has gotten ill from this. Hopefully it will stay that way and you can continue to live in your “wonderful world of Disney” forever.

Cindy Adams
