Opinion: Blame the GOP and corporate 'greedflation,' not Biden, says Massena woman

Posted 11/30/23

To the Editor: According to APNews, “America is gloomy about the economy”. The cost of food, household goods and every bill we receive these days is shocking. But blaming President Biden and his …

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Opinion: Blame the GOP and corporate 'greedflation,' not Biden, says Massena woman


To the Editor:

According to APNews, “America is gloomy about the economy”. The cost of food, household goods and every bill we receive these days is shocking. But blaming President Biden and his administration is nonsense.

Who doesn’t understand that corporations raise their prices as high as they want, anytime they want? Who doesn’t understand that insurance companies raise rates on all of us to offset massive claims brought about by unprecedented weather disasters? Who doesn’t understand that inflated transportation and supply costs leave privately-owned small businesses and services at their mercy? Who doesn’t understand that oil companies regulate prices, not the US government?

Average working and middle-class Americans have good reason to be alarmed by the way higher prices rob them of spending power. But they’re barking up the wrong tree if they think President Biden is responsible.

It’s Republican/Libertarian politicians who facilitate corporate profit by lobbying against unions, consumer protection laws and taxation for billionaires. They propagate the myth that a trickle-down economy actually works, even as Main Street America dies and 3M Americans have more combined wealth than 291M people in this country.

Nothing can stretch the earnings of the average American as long as Republicans give corporations license to squeeze every dollar out of America’s pocketbooks and they reject any bill introduced by Democrats who recognize “greedflation” for what it is.

It was OK when President Bush authorized $700B to bail out failing mortgage companies in 2008? But Republicans criticized President Biden for authorizing $350B to help citizens post-Covid. Enough with the GOP and their billionaire backers using the government to pad their own pockets, while showing fake concern for the average American. Kudos to striking workers across the nation who have recognized this truth.

Corporate “greedflation” is why your wallet empties so quickly and interest on your credit card continues to soar. And the GOP lets it happen.

Martha Hodges