
St. Lawrence County Museums & Galleries

NORTH COUNTRY CHILDREN'S MUSEUM, 10 Raymond Street, Potsdam; A cultural and educational center with hands-on learning; Exhibits celebrate the cultural and geographic resources of the North Country and provide opportunities for children and their families to play and learn together; Changing programs and activities daily; Open Wed-Sun 10am-5pm; Admission fee; 315-274-9380; northcountrychildrensmuseum.org

NICANDRI NATURE CENTER, 19 Robinson Bay Rd., Massena, in Robert Moses State Park; Indoor and outdoor facility with exhibits and programs designed to promote respect for the environment through exploration, education, and outdoor recreation; free cross-country ski/snowshoe rentals and guided lessons; Open summer 9am-5pm daily; Rest of year open Wed-Sun 9am-5pm; Free admission; 315-705-5022, massenanaturecenter.com

HAWKINS POINT VISITORS CENTER, 21 Hawkins Point Road, on Barnhart Island,Massena; New York Power Authority's state-of-the-art exhibits and panoramic views of St. Lawrence River and NYPA's St. Lawrence-FDR Power Project, interactive displays and hands-on learning on energy, electricity and the North Country. Open daily 9am-5pm from Memorial Day through Columbus Day. Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm the rest of the year. Free admission; Info: 315-764-0226, Ext 7166302 or 800-262-NYPA; http://www.nypa.gov/communities/visitors-centers/hawkins-point

WADDINGTON MUSEUM AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, 38 Main Street Waddington. Located downstairs under the Old Town Hall. Local archives, maps, photographs,exhibits. etc.
Open Wed. 2:00 - 4:00 during the winter months and by appt. Information: Contact waddhistorian@gmail.com 315-854-0071 or 315-388-3041 or check out our Facebook page
Waddington Museum and Historical Association.

FREDERIC REMINGTON ART MUSEUM, 303 Washington St., Ogdensburg; Dedicated to the art and archives of Frederic Remington's Old West and milltary illustrations and bronze sculptures; Open mid May- mid Oct. Mon-Sat 10 am-5 p.m., Sun 1-5pm; Open mid Oct. - mid May Wed-Sat 11 am-5 pm, Sun 1-5pm; Admission fee; Info: 315-393-2425, www.fredericremington.org

THE TAUNY CENTER, (Traditional Arts in Upstate New York), 53 Main St., Canton;  Organization dedicated to traditional culture and folk life of Northern New York; North Country Folkstore, exhibits, workshops and demonstrations; Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4 pm; 315-386-4289, TAUNY.org

ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Silas Wright House/Museum, 3 E. Main St., Canton; Museum with permanent and rotating exhibits, and archives; Open Tues-Thur noon-4 pm, Fri noon-6 p.m., and Sat 10 am-4 pm; Free admission; Info: 315-386-8133, slcha.org

ST. LAWRENCE POWER & EQUIPMENT MUSEUM, 1755 State Highway 345, Madrid; Museum with over 30 buildings on 20-acre campus preserving the history of how people in the North Country lived and how new technologies helped shape their lives. Regular exhibits open 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 10am-2pm, June-October or by appointment; Groups welcome; Free admission; www.slpowermuseum.com

POTSDAM PUBLIC MUSEUM, Civic Center, 2 Park Street. permanent and featured exhibits on local history and decorative arts; Open 10am-4pm; Tues-Fri; Free admission; Info 315-265-6910, potsdampublicmuseum.org

RICHARD F. BRUSH GALLERY, St. Lawrence University, Canton; Programs of rotating exhibitions during the academic year, of regional, national and international artists in a variety of media; University's permanent collection, including 20th century American photography, prints, portfolios and artists' books; Individuals and school groups are welcome for guided tours of exhibitions, during academic year; Open Mon-Thurs 12-8 p.m, Fri & Sat 12-5pm; Free admission; Info: 315-229-5174;  stlawu.edu/gallery

ROLAND GIBSON GALLERY, SUNY Potsdam, Art museum with collection and exhibitions of 20th century and contemporary art; Open Tues-Thurs 1-7pm, Fri & Sat. 1-5pm; closed Sun & Mon,  during school recesses and between exhibits; Free admission; 315-267-3290, 315-267-2245; potsdam.edu/museum

ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY ART GALLERY,  6 Raymond St, Potsdam; Exhibits of current local art, workshops, classes, program and art store; Info: 315-265-6860, slcartscouncil.org

CELINE G. PHILIBERT MEMORIAL CULTURE CENTRE & MUSEUM, 79 Main St, Massena;  Exhibits include general store, doctor's office, early street lights, musical instruments and others; Open Mon-Friday, 9am-12pm and  by appt; 315-769-8571; massena.us/178/Museum

SINGER CASTLE, on Dark Island, Chippewa Bay on the St. Lawrence Seaway. Frederick G. Bourne of New York City (a contemporary of George Boldt) had this castle built as a hunting retreat for his family. Italian stonecutters cut granite to shape this 3-story, 28-room castle with a 5-story clock tower and elaborate boathouse. Boat tours are offered from Chippewa Bay by Schermerhorn Harbor Shuttle, 315-324-5966 and from Alexandria Bay by Uncle Sam Boat Tours, 315-482-2611. Charter group tours can also be arranged. Info: 1-877-327-5475, or www.singercastle.com

AKWESASNE LIBRARY AND CULTURAL CENTER, 321 Rt. 37, Hogansburg, on the St. Regis Indian Reservation; Historical & contemporary Mohawk artifacts, utilitarian & fancy ash splint & sweetgrass baskets, traditional crafts; Museum open Tues-Fri 10am-3pm; Library open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Museum info 518-358-2461; Library info 518-358-2240;  akwesasneculturalcenter.org/museum

GOUVERNEUR MUSEUM, 30 Church St., 315-287-0570, gouverneurmuseum@centralny.twcbc.comgouverneurmuseum.org. Open year-round, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1 to 3 p.m., free admission. Museum houses artifacts scrapbooks, and mineral specimens from the Gouverneur area.

NORWOOD MUSEUM, 39 Main St., Norwood, Victorian-era rooms, railroad, firefighting & school memorabilia; Open May-Sept on Tues and Thurs 2-4pm; Info 680-333-0128; https://www.facebook.com/onhandshistory/

OGDENSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY, 312 Washington St., Historical and genealogical materials relating to Ogdensburg, including Hasbrouck correspondence collection, Gen. N. M. Curtis Civil War papers; list of manuscripts available; 315-393-4325; https://ogdensburgpubliclibrary.org/

CANTON TOWN & VILLAGE COLLECTION, 60 Main St, Canton, Canton Municipal Building's second floor; Mini-museum with town/village archives, photographs, maps/artifacts; Contact Linda Casserly, town & village historian, 315-386-1633, for special appointments and tours, https://cantonny.gov/historian/

NORFOLK HISTORICAL MUSEUM, 42 1/2 West Main St., Hundreds of artifacts of Norfolk area history, including military, schoolroom, kitchen; Open Tues. & Thurs. Noo 12-5 pm; 315-384-4575, norfolknymuseum.com and Facebook.

OLD MEETING HOUSE MUSEUM, 696 E. DeKalb Rd., DeKalb Junction; Local archives, letters, documents, maps, searchable records, photographs; Wed 11am-3pm; Thurs 4-7pm during winter, and by appt; Info: DeKalb Historical Association, 315-347-1900 or 315-347-2178; dekalbnyhistorian.org

COLTON TOWN MUSEUM, Main St., across from the town hall; Open summer season Saturdays 10am-1pm and Sundays 10am-4 pm. and any time by appt; 315-262-2524; For updates, news and photos, visit https://www.facebook.com/ColtonNYMuseum/

HOPKINTON TOWN MUSEUM, 7 Church St., Hopkinton,  Information on the Adirondacks on display; Open byappt by email ing hopkintonhistoricalgroup@gmail.com or Facebook message; 315-328-4187; https://www.townofhopkinton.org/hhg

WALKER HOUSE MUSEUM, 191 County Route 31, Madrid, operated by Madrid Historical Society; Open June-Oct on 2nd & 4th Saturdays of month 10am-2pm; Info: 315-322-0605 or 315-322-4203, madridhistoricalsociety.com or https://www.facebook.com/MadridHistory

PARISHVILLE MUSEUM, E. Main St; Parishville; Thirteen rooms in 19th century style; 315-265-4232; parishvilleny.us/museum.html

MORRISTOWN GATEWAY MUSEUM, 309 Main St; Museum includes history of area with displays, concerts, lectures and classes; Open July 4 through summer season Wed & Sat 9am-1pm, Sun 12-4 pm; 315-375-4910; https://www.morristowngatewaymuseum.org/

HAMMOND MUSEUM, 1A North Main St. (NYS Hwy. 37), Hammond;  Wed 10am-4pm, Sat 9am-1pm, or by appt with Donna 315-528-4742; Info:315-324-6628, https://www.hammondmuseum.com/

OGDENSBURG DIOCESE ARCHIVES, 622 Washington St., Ogdensburg; 315-393-2920, dioogdensburg.org/

PIERREPONT MUSEUM, 864 St. Hwy 68, Canton, next to Pierrepont Town Hall; Museum has an old school house; Open May 30-Sept. 30 Saturdays 10am-1pm or by appointment. Historian: 315-379-0804 or bjbraynt@twc.com, townofpierrepont.com/historyhistorian.html

TOWN OF WAVERLY HISTORY MUSEUM, 435 Chemung St, , Saint Regis Falls;  Museum is open Sun and Wed 1-4pm. For appt.  e-mail:waverlyhistoricalsociety@gmail.com;    https://waverlymuseum.org/index.php

Regional Museums & Galleries

THE WILD CENTER, 45 Museum Dr., Tupper Lake. The Wild Center includes 81-acres of outdoors, a 54,000-square-foot museum with movies and live animals, guided canoe paddles and hands-on everything; Wild Walk with an elevated trail across the treetops; Admission fee; Info: 518-359-7800, www.wildcenter.org

LAKE PLACID CENTER FOR THE ARTS, 17 Algonquin Dr., Lake Placid; Year-round performing and visual arts facility presenting arts of the highest caliber in music, dance and theatre performances, film exhibitions and visual arts presentations; Hours may vary, free admission;  Info: 518-523-2512 or lakeplacidarts.org

ADIRONDACK EXPERIENCE, 9097 State Route 30, Blue Mountain Lake; Museum's exhibits and programs tell the stories of how people have lived, worked, played and traveled in the Adirondack region since the early 1800s; 20 buildings on 32 acres of grounds and gardens with exhibits on logging, boats and boating, mining, outdoor recreation, transportation, rustic furniture, and on-going programs and special events; Open daily May-mid October 10am-5pm; Admission fee; 518-352-7311, adkmuseum.org 

THOUSAND ISLANDS ARTS CENTER, 314 John St., Clayton, formerly the Handweaving Museum & Art Center; Traditional arts and handcrafts, handweaving museum, gallery exhibits, craft shows, gift shop, pottery classes, events,  Reopens May 26, 2022 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 11am-3pm; 315-686-4123; tiartscenter.org

ADIRONDACK LAKES CENTER FOR THE ARTS, 3446 St Rt 28, Blue Mountain Lake;  Concerts, theatre, art exhibits, workshops and classes for children and adults; Open end of May - mid Oct Wed-Sun 12-4 p.m.; Info: 518-352-7715; adirondackarts.org

WINTER OLYMPIC MUSEUM, 2634 Main St.,Olympic Center in Lake Placid; Exhibits, displays, memorabilia of the Winter Olympic Games; Open daily, 10am-5pm; Admission fee; 518-302-5326 or whiteface.com/activities/lake-placid-olympic-museum

JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 228 Washington St., Watertown; Temporariy closed for construction; Info: 315-782-3491: jeffersoncountyhistory.org

ADIRONDACK ARTISTS GUILD GALLERY, 52 Main St., Saranac Lake;  Open Wed-Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 11am-3pm; 518-891-2615, adirondackartistsguild.com

WILDER HOMESTEAD, 177 Stacy Road, Burke;  Childhood home of Almanzo Wilder, whose memories of growing up in NNY were written as “Farmer Boy” by his wife Laura Ingalls Wilder;  Guided tours of the period-decorated home, historically recreated barns, 1860s-era one-room school house, museum and gift shop. Special events throughout the season with Civil War re-enactors, a Harvest Festival, music, food vendors, children's games, and demonstrations; Open daily May-Oct on Mon-Sat 10am-4 pm, Sunday noon-4pm; (Walk-in tour times are 10am, 12pm and 2 pm); 518-483-1207, www.almanzowilderfarm.com

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