UU Hysterical Society guest speaker


CANTON – The Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton serving the North Country community will host Liz James, the originator of the Unitarian Universalist Hysterical Society Facebook Page, as the pulpit guest on Sunday, Jan. 12, 10:30 a.m.

Founded in 2015, the UU Hysterical Society (UUHS) was a practical joke which accidentally turned into a 280,000-person community of both non-Unitarian Universalists and UUs on Facebook. The UU Hysterical Society is a journey of feeling lost, finding yourself, and finding UUism outside-the-box. Ms. James' sermon titled “Inherent Mirth and Dignity", will explore themes of being different, struggle, community, transformation and joy.

As a compliment to the service, there will be a Story for All Ages titled, “After the Fall” authored by Dan Santat. The book is about Humpty Dumpty's emotional distress after his fall. The uplifting story conveys tenets of a growth mindset including perseverance, perspective-taking, and flexible thinking. All ages will enjoy the inclusive themes of the day.

Oscar Sarmiento and Beth Robinson are the featured musical guests for the service. Also, performing during the service is cellist Beth Robinson.

The service will be followed by a social hour to meet the pulpit guest, musical guests, and other members of the congregation.