SLC Sheriff launches safety initiative for drivers with autism

Posted 2/4/25

CANTON– St. Lawrence County law enforcement will begin seeing blue envelopes on traffic stops following the introduction of a new safety initiative. 

The St. Lawrence County …

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SLC Sheriff launches safety initiative for drivers with autism


CANTON– St. Lawrence County law enforcement will begin seeing blue envelopes on traffic stops following the introduction of a new safety initiative. 

The St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s office announced Sunday that they plan to participate in the  “Blue Envelope” program, which is intended to facilitate traffic stops for drivers with autism. 

Drivers with autism will keep an envelope in their vehicle, which contains their  driver’s license, registration, and insurance.  The blue envelope also contains instructions for both the driver and the officer conducting the stop and an emergency contact card.

The envelope  helps  officers recognize when a driver has autism and adjust their approach for a safe, positive interaction. 

 The Sheriff’s office says the program is needed because individuals with autism may respond differently to the stressors of traffic stops and called it  “An important safety initiative for drivers with autism.”

The blue envelope program  “helps ensure clear communication, reduces misunderstandings, and creates safer interactions” between drivers and law enforcement.