Science Café: Lead and Chromium


POTSDAM – Clarkson University's Science Café will feature “Hidden Hazards: A Simple Test to Detect Lead and Chromium, two highly toxic metals, in your drinking water” on Wednesday, Dec. 4.

“Hidden Hazards: A Simple Test to Detect Lead and Chromium, two highly toxic metals, in your drinking water” on Wednesday, Dec. 4.

The discovery of “Lead” in Flint Michigan’s drinking water, as well as in some schools in the district, drew renewed attention to the health risks posed by this toxic metal. Exposure to “Lead” is a serious health concern that has been linked to various neurological disorders and diseases, particularly in young children whose developing brain acts like a sponge.

In this presentation, titled “Hidden Hazards: A Simple Test to Detect Lead and Chromium, two highly toxic metals, in your drinking water”, SUNY Potsdam Chemistry Professor Fadi Bou-Abdallah will discuss a simple and inexpensive test that he has recently developed in his laboratory. 

His test is based on gold nanoparticles which change color only in the presence of either lead or chromium. Such color change is visible by the naked eye down to 20 parts per billion (ppb). Considering that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the WHO (World Health Organization) recommended the level of these toxins in our drinking water at 15 ppb for lead, and 50 ppb for total chromium, his test offers an easy solution for a simple, quick, and inexpensive method to test drinking water at home, and help address water insecurity in at-risk communities.

Science Cafés bring together local university and college professors and townspeople in relaxed, informal settings. 

The speaker makes a short presentation about a topic in his or her field and then opens up the floor to discussion.

Again this semester, the Science Café will be held in Potsdam in the Potsdam Civic Center Community Room at 2 Park Street at 7:15 p.m.

For more information about Clarkson’s Science Café, click https://www.clarkson.edu/science-cafe.