Jeremiah Lanier, Potsdam, at top, and Ezekiel Hightower, Watertown, practice milking on a cow milking simulator at the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photos by Cheryl Shumway.
Adam Bates gives a tour of a dairy barn during the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by the Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls, Sept. 28. Looking at some of the 1,600 dairy cows on the farm are Heather Newcombe of Rensselaer Falls, and Olivia Kelley of DeKalb Junction. NCNow photo.
Looking at some of the 1,600 dairy cows on the Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls, during the recent Day at the Farm are Heidi and Carson Smith, of Canton. NCNow photo.
Bellinda Taylor, of Norfolk, tosses a cow plop at a tub, one of several games at the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo..
Attendees of the annual Day at the Farm ride a wagon through a barn full of cows within a few weeks of giving birth at the Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. Among them were Brooke McCallister holding Maeve Putman, of Heuvelton. NCNow photo.
TJ Cota, of Potsdam, tosses a cow plop at a tub, one of several games at the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo.
Autumn Gilson, Rensselaer Falls, gives a ‘cow’ a high five handshake during the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo.
Hilary Kelley holds Olivia and Ryleigh Kelley, DeKalb Junction residents, as they wear cow hats on the wagon ride during the recent Day at the Farm. This year the annual event was hosted by the at the Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo
Erik Whittaker, of Poulin Grain, holds a bag of distiller grain, a waste product of distilling whiskey and reused as part of cattle feed. He gave a ‘Nutrition Talk’ during the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo.
Recycled tires hold down plastic sheets to keep alfalfa and grass dry for feeding the 1,600 dairy cows and 1,000 young stock at the Kelly Dairy. NCNow photo.
Several tractors gave wagon rides through barns and fields during tours of the Day at the Farm, this year hosted at the Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo.
Jerry Fisher drives the cow train at the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo...
Cameron and Kendra Mundt, of Gouverneur, pose in front of a cow milking simulator at the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo.
Charlie Putman, left, and Colsen Putman, of Gouverneur, practice milking on a cow milking simulator at the annual Day at the Farm, this year hosted by Kelly Dairy, Rensselaer Falls. NCNow photo.