Canton Town Board takes care of odds and ends at meeting

Posted 6/14/24

CANTON – The Canton Town Board addressed a few odds and ends at Wednesday night’s monthly board meeting.

New hours at the Canton Town Clerk’s office - Monday through …

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Canton Town Board takes care of odds and ends at meeting


CANTON – The Canton Town Board addressed a few odds and ends at Wednesday night’s monthly board meeting.

  • New hours at the Canton Town Clerk’s office - Monday through Thursday from 7:15 a.m. to 4:30,p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only for early hours.
  • The town is advertising for a Historian Assistant to work five hours per week at $16.11 per hour. Job duties include assisting the Historian to gather, evaluate, preserve and interpret non governmental historical records, assist with interfacing the public in identifying historical structures, updating records, education and documentation of the past through a variety of publications. Submit letter of interest, resume and three written references to Heidi L. Smith, Town Clerk, 60 Main DSt., Canton, NY 13617. The deadline to apply is July 1 at 1 p.m. An application is available on the town website at www.cantonny.gov
  • The town board approved the hiring of Christy Dekay as a part-time clerk in the assessor office.The salary is $6,000 for up to 19 hours per week. The position was created in anticipation of a reevaluation in the town with updates for approximately 1,700 properties needed. Her first day will be Monday, June 17.
  • The North Country Housing Council will be closing its doors at 19 Main St., Canton, on June 26.
  • The town board approved the appointment of David Nelson to the Ethics Board.
  • The town board approved a request by Town Supervisor Mary Ann Ashley to set up a bank account solely for Solar Intervenor Funds.
  • The town board approved the permanent appointment of Mike McQuade as town code enforcement officer.
  • It was noted that Forefront Power has withdrawn its Nickerson Road Community Solar Project.